Grants and services
The FFG funding instrument Patent Scheck was specially designed to strengthen the IP competence of SMEs and start-ups. The Patent Scheck supports the entire process of filing an IP application for an invention starting with the review of a new idea up to the national and international patent application including legal fees.
Details can be found here on the FFG website.
The EUIPO promotes trademark and design applications: info can be found on this page of the Austrian Patent Office.
aws Innovation Protection
With aws innovation protection, we support you in recognising, strategically securing, defending and optimally using important intellectual property (IP) - especially in the area of green tech. An innovation protection strategy adapted to your business model forms the basis for creating and safeguarding your competitive position.
An overview of all services and funding programmes of aws Innovation Protection can be found here.
IP Academy
The IP Academy of the Austrian Patent Office regularly organizes free seminars on intellectual property rights.
In addition to your Austrian patent application, you can get a free search from the European Patent Office (EPO). If you then go to the EPO, you already know in advance how the patent examiners assess your invention - and you can even save on the fees! All information and the application is done via this page of the Austrian Patent Office.
aws Connect
Are you looking for cooperation partners or investors? AwsConnect supports you! Find out more about our Connecting Services.
European IPR Helpdesk
The European IPR Helpdesk provides free first-line support on IPR issues with the aim of assisting current and potential beneficiaries of EU-funded projects as well as SMEs in the EU in managing their IPR.
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) supports companies in technology transfer and offers opportunities to network and market innovations internationally.